Welcome to Scream for me!

The fanlisting for Sabretooth (portrayed by Taylor Mane) from the movie "X-Men" listed at The FanlistingsNetwork in the characters book/movie category.


This fanlisting was last updated 16th January 2025 and has a total of 26 members from 11 countries with 0 waiting for approval.

About 0 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 14th March 2007.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, PHPCodeSort 1.6 and other sources.


 X-Men Movie Series  X-Men: Comics  X-Men: Fanfiction  X-Men: Gen Fanfiction  X-Men: Storm  X-Men: Storm and Nightcrawler  X-Men: Toad  X-Men: Wolverine Gen Fanfic  X-Men: [+] Male Characters  X-Men: [+] Mutants


29th January 2023
Found the buttons and added them.

17th January 2023
Fixed the issues due to the new php version, now everything seems to be working again. Sadly, there seem to be no buttons to re-add, but I'll try to make new ones when I'm done fixing the script stuff.
© Barbayat 2007-2025